Breast cancer symptoms vary widely from lumps to swelling to skin changes and many breast cancers have no obvious symptoms at all. Symptoms that are similar to those of breast cancer may be the result of non-cancerous conditions like infection or a cyst.Early breast cancer usually does not cause pain. In fact, when it first develops, breast cancer may cause no symptoms at all. But as the cancer grows, it can cause these changes:
* a lump or thickening in the breast or armpit
* a change in the size or shape of the breast
* discharge from the nipple
* a change in the color or texture of the skin of the breast or areola (such as dimpling, puckering, or scaliness).
Note: any changes in the breast should be reported to a doctor without delay. Symptoms can be caused by cancer or by a number of less serious conditions. Early diagnosis is especially important for breast cancer because the disease responds best to treatment before it has spread. The earlier breast cancer is found and treated, the better a woman's chance for complete recovery.
Posted by chandrasekar at 6:59 AM 0 comments
Tuesday, July 14, 2009
causes of cancer
Most people don't realize that cancer is preventable in many cases. Learning what causes cancer and what the risk factors are is the first step in cancer prevention.
According to the National Cancer Institute, smoking causes 30% of all cancer deaths in the U.S. and is responsible for 87% of cases of lung cancer. Not only does it affect the lungs, it can cause kidney, pancreatic
Physical Activity
Exercising at least 30 minutes a day, 5 days a week greatly reduces your cancer risk. Exercise like yoga, aerobics, walking and running are great activities to lower your cancer risk factor.And other factors such as sunexposure,environmentalfactors etc...
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