Treatment for early breast cancer

Treatment for early breast cancer
The aim of treatment for early breast cancer is to remove the cancer from the breast and armpit area, and to destroy any cancer cells that may have spread to other parts of the body, but cannot be detected.

Treatment for early breast cancer usually involves either:

•Breast conserving surgery followed by radiotherapy, or
•Mastectomy (sometimes followed by radiotherapy).
Treatment for metastatic (advanced) breast cancer
The main aim of treatment of metastatic breast cancer is to improve your quality of life by reducing any symptoms you may be experiencing.

Some treatments for metastatic breast cancer help lessen your symptoms by stopping the cancer from growing or by decreasing the size of the cancer for a period of time, even years. By doing this, treatment may also improve the length of your life, but this has not been proven in a clinical trial.

If you have been diagnosed with metastatic breast cancer you will usually be recommended to have one or more general anti-cancer treatments. You may also be recommended to have one or more specific treatments. The specific treatments recommended to you will depend on where the cancer is in your body and the symptoms that you are experiencing.


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