LAHORE: At least 90,000 women suffer from breast cancer in Pakistan every year, said University of Health Sciences controller of examinations Dr Junaid S Khan while delivering a lecture on Cosmetic Options in Breast Disease Management at Sukh Chan Wellness Club on Saturday.
He said that half of 90,000 women affected with breast cancer were in the Punjab alone. He said only 10 percent of women were diagnosed and that out of them about 75 percent women did not treat the problem and die within five years.
He said the women who underwent surgical removal of a breast were an important concern around the world. He said aesthetic problems related to the surgery could be easily redressed, but lack of awareness caused low self-esteem, keeping low stooped posture, lack of confidence, social dissociation and in some cases suicide among the patients. He said the women who had surgical removal in the West suffered far less these problems.
He said there were various techniques were now available for maintaining the volume and appearance of the breast. He said when most part of the breast was removed then the space could be filled with some other body tissue or with prostheses like silicone or saline breast implants.
He said various plastic surgery options were available, but in Pakistan the same old techniques were in practice, which provided little relief to the patients. He said, “The main reason is the shortage of trained doctors to manage breast related problems.”
Khan said that it was unfortunate that in Pakistan it was still considered a taboo for women to take care of their bodies. He said women were afraid to talk about breast cancer.
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