Well did you take a moment to think about all those other children that didn’t survive?
Did you wonder why God didn’t save them?
So why did God save your child but let many other chidlren die?
Was it because God liked you more?
Or maybe God had nothing to do with it at all. If God should make decisions to let some children live while letting others die, then what type of God is this?
Let me tell you … GOD DID NOT SAVE YOUR CHILD!
So shut the bloody hell up and just be thankful that your child survived.
How do you think the parents whose children died must feel when they hear bloody cretins like you say “God saved my child”. If they were to take you literally then they would come to the conclusion that God must have decided to punish them. They would then be left guilt ridden forever wondering why God punished them but didn’t punish parents like you.
So wipe the bloody smirks from you faces and stick ya religion up ya arses because religion and God, played no part in saving your child.
More than likely the fact that children do die is evidence that there is no God at all.
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